Image of "The Broken Are The Chosen" Fundraiser Shirt

"The Broken Are The Chosen" Fundraiser Shirt


Fundraiser shirt for our ministry & Fully Alive event. Visit the FULLY ALIVE event page

Sales will go towards Holy Family Young Adult Ministry's yearly efforts. Our community is a non-profit organization. We completely rely on the generosity of individuals.

We serve God by serving our brothers and sisters here on earth. This year, we held prayer meetings, teachings, bible studies and activities that involve the young adults, including young professionals, young couples, singles, students and the young at heart. We are also involved in service outreach programs such as St. Vincent de Paul’s Feeding the Needy Families, beach clean-ups, visiting local convalescent homes and participating in fundraisers for charities. We would like to continue these projects throughout the year so we can bring more people closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.